Thursday, 6 August 2015

CEREC Crown Restorations

Gone are the days of waiting weeks for your permanent crown to arrive from the lab, only to find out that it is the wrong color or it does not fit properly. With CEREC, you will not have any more ill fitting crowns that cannot be conveniently created or altered in the dental office.

A CEREC crown is an aesthetic restoration that requires less time to design, produce, and insert than traditional crowns created by an outside lab. The best part is that you won’t have to compromise on strength, durability or beauty. CEREC crowns are strong restorations that will mimic a natural tooth in both looks and function.

What is CEREC?

CEREC, an acronym for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, is a dental restoration tool that contours ceramic or resin material to look like a natural tooth via computer-aided design software connected to a milling machine within the dental office.

CEREC is used to restore oral health in situations such as:

A cracked or broken tooth
- A root canal
- A severely decayed tooth
- Atop a dental implant
- To anchor teeth that support a bridge

This metal-free restoration is a wonderful solution because it looks and acts like natural tooth enamel with no discoloration at the base of the tooth like some traditional crowns have.

Candidates for CEREC 

Our dental professional will do a thorough examination and look over each patient’s dental questionnaire before determining who would be a good candidate for a CEREC crown. Most patients are indeed great candidates for CEREC.

Advantages to Using CEREC

Convenience – The crown is made during the same office visit, which makes multiple dental visits and temporary crowns unnecessary.

Shape and Contour Control – No messy impressions. The computer-guided imagery system takes 3D images of the mouth to ensure an accurate and perfect fit that only digital precision can effectuate.

Strength – The crown is metal-free and made from a solid block of ceramic so the crown is very strong and durable.

– The crown produced is tooth-colored and can be matched to the color of the existing teeth for a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Call our Airdrie dental office today to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Monty Gaur, and we will be happy to outline your dental needs and goals, and answer any questions you may have. 

1 comment:

  1. CEREC crowns are crowns that are designed with the aid of a computer. They can be designed in the dental office or a dental lab. For a posterior tooth the doesn't require the highest level of esthetics to match the neighboring teeth as long as the person designing the crown is skillful, it does not matter whether it's done in office or in a lab. For a tooth in which matching esthetics is at a very high level (e.g. matching a single front tooth) I believe the assistance of a master ceramist to match the nuances of the patient's neighboring teeth is necessary.

    South Airdrie Smiles
